Unveiling of a new Blue Plaque at Ringwood Hall
Some fifty Civic Society members and guests joined the Mayor of Chesterfield, Coun. Maureen Davenport, and the Mayoress, Mrs Liz Archer, at the Ringwood Hall Hotel in Brimington on Wednesday 17 January for a ceremony to mark the unveiling of a plaque commemorating Charles Paxton Markham, who lived at Ringwood between 1908 and his death…
Parliament Day at the St. Thomas’ Centre , Brampton – Chairman’s Report
Members and guests who attended Chesterfield and District Civic Society’s meeting at St Thomas’s church centre on Saturday November 18 heard four outstanding presentations on ‘Democracy at Work: a View from Inside’. The event was the society’s contribution to UK Parliament Week. Te first speaker was Natascha Engels, until recently Labour MP for North East Derbyshire and one of…
Elder Way Co-op Redevelopment
An impressive audience at last night’s talk by Adam Hearld , the Development Director from Jomast .
Elder Way Co-op Redevelopment – A talk by Adam Hearld
Wed 2 Nov : Elder Way Co-op Redevelopment A talk by Adam Hearld of Jomast Properties Ltd, the site developers Jomast Properties Ltd – Website In the Suite at the St Thomas’ Centre at 7.30pm. There will also be an update on our involvement in current and recent local issues such as…
Thornfield – Update
We understand that the East Midlands Chamber have resubmitted the planning application , with a proposal for the conversion of the house into four flats .There will be slightly fewer houses on the rest of the site . Read the Derbyshire Times article here The DT now insists on registering to read , but all…
Chesterfield Heritage Open Days 7- 9 September
Visit Chesterfield’s Historic Churches and Chapels
CHESTERFIELD AND DISTRICT CIVIC SOCIETY PRESS RELEASE Civic Society urges Council to save historic building Chesterfield and District Civic Society has written to the Borough Council asking them not to allow the demolition of what the society believes is the last building in the town associated with the Chesterfield Canal. Thornfield, a stone-built Georgian house of the…
The Civic Society at Saturday’s Fair .
The Civic Society stand at the the Chesterfield and District Family History Society event last Saturday . The display was originally produced in 1991 , and attracted considerable interest !
Permission to demolish The Shrubberies is granted
Though there was in reality nothing the Council could do to prevent it , it is still sad to report that permission to demolish was effectively granted at the Planning Meeting on the April 3rd .
A Short History of The Victoria Centre
The Victoria Centre, Knifesmithgate, and adjoining buildings History On October 27th 1911 an exhibition match was played between Ernest Rudge, the champion of South Yorkshire, and P.W. Hughes, a leading Yorkshire professional from Leeds, to mark the opening of a temperance billiard hall to the rear of 11 Knifesmithgate. Ernest Rudge was soon recognised as…