Blue Plaques: map and information

There’s information about our blue plaques on this page.

See our interactive map at the bottom for this page for their location and links for more information.

Blue Plaques have been, and will continue to be placed in Chesterfield by the civic society to commemorate either the intrinsic worth of a building, or an association with people or happenings of special merit.  Blue plaques are also placed by Chesterfield Borough Council and Derbyshire County Council (but are not part of the civic society’s scheme).

This map shows the location of all those in our area.  Click on any of the points on the map for more information. 

You’ll not yet find information on our four latest blue plaques via our interactive map – but you can read about them by using the links on this page.

Since this map was created the following blue plaques have been added:

Page last updated 21 July 2024.