More on the Chesterfield Cycle Super-Highway

Earlier in 2021 Derbyshire County Council announced a plan to extend an existing cycle route through Chesterfield at either end. The Civic Society has previously objected to aspects of the proposals. In this post we revisit these proposals as the council has presented a paper to their Cabinet of 14 October recommending that the proposals are accepted.

The controversial aspects of this proposal are centred around the closure to motor traffic of a road forming the proposed eastern extension (Crow Lane) and the building of a new two-lane high-speed cycle ‘super highway’ along a very busy main road (Chatsworth Road, A619) which forms the western extension.

The Derbyshire County Council Cabinet paper is available to download below.

The Civic Society are unhappy with many aspects of the scheme. Our objections and concerns over the proposal are contained in a paper we have sent to the Secretary of State for Transport. Download this paper below, together with the covering letter.

We have written to the Local Government Ombudsman, over the issue Download our letter below.

Our circular to Brookside residents can be downloaded below. This also outlines some of the objections we have.

We are making these papers available in the interests of open governance.

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